

Magnhild Skjong Molnes
Payroll / Accounting
+47 958 89 280
Aleksander Valderhaug Sæther
Fishing Gear/ Storage
+47 980 72 740
Eldar Vindvik
+47 911 87 067
Harald Roaldsnes
Technical Manager
+47 480 90 542
our VEssels

Our fishing vessels

We have a history from the first launched fishing vessel in 1918, and today we own and operate the freezing trawlers Molnes and Synes.

FV Synes

A medium sized trawler (55m). The boat is built for shrimp fishing, but today fishes mostly saithe.

Learn More

FV Molnes

Molnes is a vessel of 65m built as a factory trawler. It ensures the highest possible quality H/G from whitefish.

Learn More
Magnus Indrestrand Nordang, Trawl Master
Henrik Flatnes, Fisherman
John Kåre Flusund, Chief Officer
human capital

Our employees - our ambassadors

There is a common saying that goes like this: "Our employees are our greatest asset". We believe strongly in this, but we would like to push this statement further by adding that our greatest asset is the contribution of our employees.

We, Nordic Wildfish, are the sum of our people. Whether it is being part of our crews or office workers, we are focusing on building a culture that lets our employees contribute and thrive.



We have a high-performance team of diverse and talented leaders that live our mission and values.

Our management team